Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lab 3: Laker's Route to Championship 17

View Lakers route to Championship #17 in a larger map

Road Map of the Laker's path to the championship!

Neogeography has become a huge factor in the development of maps, and especially maps in the Web 2.0. It has allowed people to “check in” to nearly anywhere that has internet access or cell phone service. This has caused the world to be connected and an increase in spatial communication. It allows everyone to put their ideas out there for everyone to learn from. Neogeography can be seen as a collage, in which every small picture, or user-created map, is an integral part of the whole product. Without everyone contributing to it, neogeography would not be where it is today, it is powered by the individuals. By neogeography being interactive, it sparks interest in the young minds to contribute, and gets them involved with this movement and allowing for the rapid expansion of the field. I could see there being a heavy use and dependency on websites with databases of mash-ups in the near future.

However, since neogeography is based on user input, there is no real way that the maps can be cross checked for accuracy. This could cause for the spread of misinformation and misunderstanding, similar to encyclopedic websites that take posts from users and present them as information for the web to see (Wikipedia). 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lab 2

1.   Beverly Hills Quadrangle
2. Quadrangles
a.       NW - Canoga park
b.      W – Topanga
c.       SW – Pacific Ocean
d.      S – Venice
e.      NE – Burbank
3. 1966
4. Datum
a.       Horizontal – NAD 27
b.      Vertical – National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5. 1:24,000
6. Scaling
a.       5/100*24000 = 1,200 m
b.      120000/12/5280 = 1.894 mi.
c.       1*5280*12/2400 = 2.64 in.
d.      3*1000*100/24000 = 12.5 cm.
7.    20 feet
8.        Coordinates
a.       Public Affairs
 i.      Latitude à 118 degrees 26 minutes 6 seconds (118.4343)
 ii.      Longitude à 34 degrees 4 minutes 30 seconds (34.071)
b.      Santa Monica Pier
 i.      Latitude à118 degrees, 29 minutes, 55 seconds (118.575)
 ii.      Longitude à 34 degrees, 0 minutes, 20 seconds (34.0033)
c.        Upper Franklin Canyon Res.
 i.       Latitude à118 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds (118.405)
 ii.      Longitude à34 degrees 7 minutes 5 seconds (34.1175)
9.        Elevation
a.       Greystone mansion à 560 ft, 169.7 meters
b.      Woodlawn cemetery à 140ft., 42.4 meters
c.       Crestwood hills park à800 ft, 242.4 meters
10.   11
11.   63 Northing, 361.5 Easting
12.   1 km2

14.   +14 degrees
15.   Southward flow
16. Map of UCLA